The subject of Eschatology has been studied and written about for centuries. Various viewpoints based on differing hermeneutical perspectives have driven this subject in many directions, causing confusion as to how we should view end-times from a Biblical perspective.
Dispensational Theology: A Textbook on Eschatology in the Twenty-first Century, is informative, instructional, and systematic in its approach to eschatology, teaching from a dispensational perspective. This textbook, the first of its kind, has been developed from a college syllabus on premillennialism and provides a structured approach to a dispensational theology.
Dispensational Theology is designed for those majoring in Bible or Theology, who have already taken course work in New and Old Testament survey and completed one year of Bible Doctrine. This book is suitable for implementation into any College or Seminary program at a 300 or 400 level in an undergraduate program, or a 600 level in a Seminary program. If the minimum recommended course requirements for students have been met, this book could also be useful in Church or Mission Bible Institute programs, while providing another resource for any pastor or educator’s library.
This textbook provides a background and foundational structure for establishing a two-semester course while providing a path for discussions covering over two sections. The following topics will be the focus of discussions over fifteen chapters. Section One: Premillennialism: Defining the Terms; The History and Characteristics of Amillennialism; The History and Characteristics of Postmillennialism; The History and Characteristics of Premillennialism; Understanding the Kingdom of God; The Hermeneutics of Prophecy; Dispensations; Biblical Evidence for Premillennialism, and Evidence for Premillennialism in the New Testament Gospels. Section Two: The Distinction Between Israel and the Church; The Day of the Lord and The Day of Christ; The Tribulation Period; The Rapture and Related Events; The Second Advent and Related Events; The Millennium and Beyond.
Justin Watkins on Journal of Dispensational Theology wrote:Dispensational Theology: A Textbook on Eschatology in the Twenty-First Century is a brand new book by Reid Ashbaucher. This useful work is an expansion of the syllabus for a two-semester 300 level course on dispensational eschatology developed by Temple Baptist Seminary. The classical dispensational view of Walvoord, Ryrie, and Pentecost, is adopted here. Yet this work fairly and accurately assesses Covenant Theology, Roman Catholic, Ultra and Progressive dispensational views. ... Each chapter is well organized. Ample sub-headings lead the reader through short, to the point discussions of the topic. The source material is well documented in footnotes at the bottom of each page. ... Overall, I found this to be a very useful summary of the key distinctives and features of classic dispensational eschatology. ... These critiques are relatively minor. Therefore, I recommend this book as a great introduction to classical dispensational eschatology. The author recommends this would be suitable for an undergraduate course which I think is appropriate. It would also be great supplemental reading for a seminary-level course in systematic theology or eschatology.
on Blueink:At the outset of Dispensational Theology, the author stated that the format of the book is an expansion of the syllabus for a two-semester 300 level course on dispensational theology developed by Temple Baptist Seminary (now part of Piedmont International University) (p. 7). The structure of the book is well organized and suitable for a classroom setting. The premise is to demonstrate the significance of eschatology in the twenty-first century from a dispensational viewpoint. In the introduction, the author stated, “Eschatology should not be disassociated from the subject of biblical hermeneutics, which allows for a better scriptural interpretation that provides the foundation to anyone’s theological perspective” (p. 15). From the very beginning, Ashbaucher impresses the reader with the significance of the study of eschatology. ... Overall it is the opinion of this reviewer that Dispensational Theology: A Textbook on Eschatology in the Twenty-First Century would make a good textbook for a Sunday School class or possibly an introduction to eschatology. While there were a couple of small issues, it made for an easy read and it is certainly a book that could be understood by the average student of God’s Word. — Justin Watkins. Dispensational Theology: A Textbook on Eschatology in the Twenty-First Century by Reid Ashbaucher. Journal of Dispensational Theology. 2019, vol. 23, no. 67, pp. 227-229. [ Republish permission granted by JODT ]
* STARRED REVIEW Dispensational Theology: A Textbook on Eschatology in the Twenty-First Century by Reid A. Ashbaucher
Reid Ashbaucher Publications, 246 pages, (paperback) $21.99, 978-1733139908 (Reviewed: October 2019)
Reid A. Ashbaucher delivers an intelligent, well-organized, readable textbook on eschatology (the study of the end of the world) through the lens of dispensationalism (the theological system that tries to understand the revelation of God through different epochs of time). This is no small feat since both topics involve spiritual interpretations, symbols, intricate methodologies, and odd figures of speech used in the biblical exploration of end-of-the world prophecy. ... Ashbaucher does an excellent job of making complex topics digestible. For instance, in his chapter on the fate of Israel and the Church in End Times prophecy, a controversial subject in theological circles, he argues his points methodically and clearly, ultimately offering the dispensationalist view that the two spiritual bodies “are functioning on two separate tracks, heading toward unification, as one body at the end of the age.” In other words, God continues to have plans for both the nation of Israel and the holy Church. ... The book is thoroughly researched and expertly footnoted, lending authority to its prose. It’s important to note that it is not for beginners; the author targets third-year theology students. While readers don’t need to be in college to understand the ideas, they do need an ample knowledge of the Bible and a basic understanding of hermeneutics to get the most out of the narrative. ... Overall, Evangelical Christians and students of Christianity will find this a masterfully presented look at dispensationalism and end-of-the-world prophecy. ... Also available in hardcover.
Reid Ashbaucher was born in the United States and holds a B.A. degree in Comprehensive Bible from Cedarville University, Cedarville, Ohio, an M.A. degree in Christian Theology from Trinity Theological Seminary, Newburgh, Indiana, and has completed some postgraduate work towards a Ph.D. in Religious Studies, endorsed by Canterbury Christ Church University, England.
Reid has been a believer in Jesus Christ for over 55 years. While experiencing life through secular fields of military service, business ownership, and radio broadcast engineering; Reid has served in local churches as deacon, teacher and pulpit supply.
Throughout his life, Reid has sought to promote the Word of God as the source of true reality. This reality is reflected in Jesus Christ as He states: “Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine, and acts upon them, may be compared to a wise man, who built his house upon the rock” (Matthew 7:24; NASB).